Birth into Being – A personal invitation from Ulrike Schimmel

My first Birth into Being workshop was in 2013 – it was love at first sight. My journey with this method has been truly life changing.

We know we are making choices every day, every moment, most of us are aware we can choose to repeat the same old story – or something that better serves us. That’s the theory. How does that go in real life? Well… easier said than done, right?

My biggest issue was always a  feeling of being alone and abandoned. It came up at every opportunity: With family, friends, community members and very strongly with partners. I unintentionally created a lot of drama and conflict  with the result of repeatedly ending up by myself, feeling like nobody wants me. 25 years ago I understood that the root of this issue was my own birth where I stayed alone in the hospital for three weeks, separated from my mother. This insight alone did not change a thing. It was Birth into Being that changed this dynamic completely. Nowadays, if or when this feeling gets triggered – yes it is still there, though  a lot less – I am not even tempted to project it on the person in front of me. No drama, no conflict.

Birth into Being Method works with the nervous system. It connects the old story, the old feeling we know so well with a different experience, and a new feeling: being seen for who we are, being loved, held, feeling connected… whatever the person going through the process most needs. And after I have gone through a Birth into Being process even with the toughest of issues – voilà, now I can now truly feel that I have a choice and it is so much easier to remember to take a different route!

I’ve done numerous BiB workshops, and each of them has been profoundly meaningful, melting frozen parts of me, making me feel more alive. The Birth into Being Method is powerful, bringing fast and lasting change. I’ve also witnessed this for others and so I’ve trained in it, and am keen to spread the good news to more people!

GEN Europe feels like a natural starting point. At this year’s gathering, we will have the opportunity to experience a Limbic Imprint process with Nicole from Australia – rewriting the story of your own birth and childhood. Nicole is one of the most experienced BiB facilitators worldwide and has over 20 years of experience living in community.

To go even deeper into healing the wounds that make living together challenging, we warmly invite you to sign up for our 4-day Birth into Being workshop September 3-6 at Torri Superiore – early bird rate ends July 15. We’d be so happy to meet some of you there!

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