Our projects

To carry out our mission of connecting, educating and advocating for regenerative communities, we run and partner in funded projects in collaboration with organisations from all across Europe and beyond. These include European Solidarity Corps and youth exchanges, trainings, and research projects via the EU’s Horizon Framework. You can find a range of our project outputs on our resources page (link), and discover more about our current and past projects on this page.

If you wish to discuss collaboration on a project, please contact us.

Current and Recent Projects

COM4LGD (2024-2026)

The Communities for Local Green Deals project recognizes the intersection of the climate and environmental crisis with the social and political polarisation that  EU citizens face. The innovative solution we propose for a sustainable, just, democratic and inclusive future for the EU is a focus on local community development, climate and sustainability action, community organising, advocacy, and cooperation between citizens and local governments covering all 27 member states.

ECOPRISE (2024-2027)

The project’s main objective is the development of a multi-disciplinary course on Ecopreneurship, i.e. future-oriented social entrepreneurship through ecovillage design, inspired by the 4 dimensions of sustainability, and recognised through micro-credentials and through a European certification. A new sustainable social entrepreneurial model and skillset for the Ecoprise Designer professional figure will contribute to local regenerative development and a harmonious coexistence between human life and nature.

Regen4All (2023)

The purpose of the ReGEN4All project is to serve researchers, practitioners, and adult educators from ecovillages and academia as well as policymakers on all levels. ReGEN4All aims to make the knowledge gained within and through ecovillages more accessible both for academic research and to help inform policy decisions on sustainable lifestyle and regenerative practices.

EC² (2021-2024)

What are the conditions that will facilitate and strengthen energy citizenship for the much-needed transition to a low-carbon society? That’s one of the key questions that the EC² project – Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean Energy Transition – will address through three years of in-depth research and co-creation with a diverse range of stakeholders. Funded by Horizon Europe.

Launch & Thrive (2022-2024)

The Launch and Thrive project, funded by the Erasmus+ KA1 program, is designed to assist national networks throughout Europe to start and flourish. It also aims at strengthening European cooperation in the field of ecovillage development, localization of the SDGs; and advocacy capacity through coordinated, legitimate and representative networks.

BLOOM Bioeconomy (2017-2020)

The project brought together partners from across Europe to debate, communicate, and engage the public in the potential of bioeconomy. Funded by Horizon Europe.


CLIPS is the Community Learning Incubator for Sustainability. This project brought together ecovillage practitioners and experts from across the network to create a practical guide and training programme for community building, which has been replicated dozens of times in many different countries, contexts and languages. The CLIPS guide, downloadable for free on the project website, is a must-have resource for any aspiring community builder!