Meet the Ecovillages


Welcome to the Ecovillage Gathering 2024 and for co-creating the “Meet the Ecovillages” with us!
This guide will help you to prepare and set up your stall effectively, ensuring a smooth and inspiring flow of the market. Therefore, please register via this form so that we can better prepare and plan ahead.
Our goal is to create an engaging and spacious environment that facilitates meaningful connections and interactions.

Design of Meet the Ecovillages (MtE)

The MtE area is divided into several sections to maximize interaction and visibility:

  1. Project Presentation Area
  2. Ecovillages & National Networks Area
  3. Product Market Area
  4. Matchmaking Area

Stalls Setup

1. Project Presentation

  • Purpose: Showcase ongoing projects, share ideas, and find collaboration opportunities.
  • Materials to Bring: Flyers, brochures, posters, and any relevant project documentation.

2. Ecovillages & National Networks

  • Purpose: Highlight your ecovillage, share experiences, and network with others.
  • Materials to Bring: Brochures, posters providing key information about your project (e.g, founding year, number of community members, percentage of self-sufficiency…), photos, videos, and any unique artifacts representing your ecovillage.

3. Product Market

  • Purpose: Sell products made by you or/and your ecovillage.
  • Materials to Bring: Products for sale, pricing information, and any necessary display items.
  • Please note that GEN Europe will ask for 15% of your income from the Gathering. It is your own responsibility to ensure that you adhere to the Swedish law (tax, VAT and licensing etc.)

If you are part of an ecovillage/national network and also selling products or/and running any projects, of course, you can showcase everything together in the Ecovillages & National Networks Area where your stall will be set up.

Physical Set-Up

General Layout

  • Location: In the Heart Tent on the grass area with geographically dispersed zones, marked with arches/entrances.
  • Maps: A map with designated zones will be provided to guide setup.


  • Tables, Mattresses & Display Boards: No tables or just very few will be provided, though various mattresses. Consider bringing A-frames or alternative display structures, if possible.
  • Art Supplies: Provided for those who need to create or finish materials on-site.

Set-Up Time

  • Scheduled Time: Set up your stall between 14:00 and 16:00 before the “Market” opens up.
  • Assistance: Dream Team members will be available to support during setup and allocate the position of your stall.

Registration and Preparation


  • Pre-Event (preferably): Register via this form so that we can better prepare and plan ahead. For all product seller’s, we only accept the registration of stalls/products prior to the event via this form.
  • On-Site: Sign up directly at the registration if you haven’t registered beforehand.

We are open to welcome all projects and communities to join our market, though encourage you to join GEN ecoproject/ecovillage/network member prior or after the Gathering in case you haven’t signed up yet.

Recommendations for What to Bring

  • Informational materials (brochures, flyers, posters)
  • Unique items representing your ecovillage
  • Products for sale (for the product market area)
  • Small display structures, if possible (A-frames, stands, etc.)

Activities and Engagement

Ecovillage Speed Dating/Matchmaking

  • Big boards for matchmaking will be set up to offer unique matchmaking opportunities mapping your needs & offers
  • Details and instructions will be provided on-site

Contact and Support

If you have any questions or need assistance before the event, please write to &

If you have any questions or need assistance during the event, please visit the GEN Booth or reach out to a Dream Team member.

We look forward to seeing your creative and informative stalls at the Ecovillage Gathering!

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