Introducing EC²: a new project exploring a citizen-led energy transition

What are the conditions that will facilitate and strengthen energy citizenship for the much-needed transition to a low-carbon society? That’s one of the key questions that the EC² project – Energy Citizenship and Energy Communities for a Clean Energy Transition – will address through three years of in-depth research and co-creation with a diverse range of stakeholders, including ecovillages. The project, funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation grant, is made up of a consortium of 14 partners from 6 countries, coordinated by the Centre for Social Innovation ZSI (Austria).
In ecovillages, our experience with community and clean energy is that it’s not only about technology you have – it’s about engaging and empowering people to take collective action in line with their values, and creating networks built on trust, collaboration and conviction that can work together to make change. That’s why we’re taking part in this and other EU funded research projects: to bring ecovillage innovation, wisdom and experience to the scientific, social and political mainstream.
Taking a multi-disciplinary approach, EC² brings together partners from the fields of law, psychology and economics to define energy citizenship and gain a better understanding of the factors that enable individuals to become empowered energy citizens, and will be enriched by co-creation processes with energy communities and municipalities from all across Europe, including ecovillage partners Arterra Bizimodu and Torri Superiore.
To learn more, visit the project website.