Green Phoenix in Damanhur

The Green Phoenix was initiated at Centre for Unity Schweibenalp and researches questions of the four quadrants of Ecology, Economy, Community and Consciousness/Spirituality. It is also often referred to as the meeting of the community of communities, and I personally take away that it is really a gathering to ground the depth and spiritual foundations of our movement which many communities of our network embody.
Since 2015, representatives of European and some non-European communities and networks meet annually in an intimate setting to share deeply and explore their most important questions to support the connecting to an inner space where something new and healing can happen. It helps to achieve a broader understanding of what is happening in the movement and network, to arrive at new insights and develop new ideas and collaborations.
The Green Phoenix usually takes place at Schweibenalp (Switzerland), but for this year if flew out and landed slightly more South in Damanhur, Italy.

Manja and myself as well as Abdul and Monique from the Council attended as part of the GEN Europe team and then we had representatives from the Community of Living Ethics (Italy), Findhorn (Scotland), Schweibenalp & Belmont & Herzfeld Sennrüti & Schloss Glarisegg (Switzerland), Heilhaus Kassel and Gastwerk e.V. (Germany), the Little Wild (France), Sunny Hill (Slovenia), Ecodorp Land van Aine (Netherlands), Charlottendal (Sweden), Busha Toloka (Ukraine) & REDES (Senegal).
This year’s theme was Healing and we dedicated one day each to go deeper into the three levels of healing on the the indiv., community and world level. Based on that we had conversations reaching from personal triggers, over to recurring patterns & conflicts in our communities as far as the many and most recent conflicts in the world.
Besides talking about it, we also really looked at tools, methodologies and services we can offer to respond and put some of them into practice. So, we had a constellation and actively held spaces & rituals for healing to support e.g. the wars in Ukraine/Russia & Israel/Palestine and the ongoing conflicts caused by colonization in Africa (brought to our awareness by Ousmane from REDES) as well as communities and organizations of our network which are going through difficult times at the moment.

It was a truly inspiring gathering which affirmed and supported us to tap into the healing powers we have as community of communities!
The dates for next year’s Green Phoenix at Schweibenalp are already confirmed (27.10 – 01.11.24) and more details about will be published on the website closer to the date.