Ecovillage Spotlight – Arterra Bizimodu with Angel Matilla

Interview Summary:
Angel Matilla is a member of Arterra Bizimodu Ecovillage and he is also IT Manager of GEN Europe. We gathered in an interview about Arterra last week and he told us very interesting things about this magical place! Arterra was born in 2013, and it hosts 40 members; 26 of them are adults, 6 are children and 8 are in the entering process (adults). 85% of the people are from Spain. They are an association, but next month they are going to become a housing cooperative, because they want to buy the property, consisting of a building and a big open area with a garden and other spaces! Angel thinks that the main benefits of being part of GEN Europe is to network and learn about other ecovillages and their expertise. The thing is to stay connected with this beautiful movement! Regarding the benefits of living in an ecovillage such as Arterra, he comments first of all that living in this way contributes to the ecosocial transformation and gives a purpose because you are living in a way that you truly believe, and which should be matched by the rest of the world as well! Also, he thinks that living in an ecovillage gives you a sense of belonging and being engaged with ecosocial activism, as well as not reproducing the individualistic society. 100% of the energy comes from renewable resources, which 35% of it comes from their own sources through solar panels. For heating the building olive pits are used and they produce biogas, which can be used for almost 2 hours to cook in the common kitchen. Regarding food, they have a vegetable garden and a mushroom harvest. They have animals as well.