Celebrating 30 years of the Danish Ecovillage Network, LOES

The Danish Ecovillage Network, LOES, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year and held two celebrations, one of which took place in an ecovillage in the capital city of Copenhagen, and the other in a growing ecovillage in the countryside.
The celebration at the Christiania Ecovillage in Copenhagen was a day-long event, where everyone was invited to participate. People from ecovillages across the country, friends, as well as curious individuals, who had no prior knowledge nor attachment to the ecovillage movement, attended. The day was filled with short presentations, conversations about dreams, communal singing, and presentations of ongoing projects in LOES, where Iryna from GEN Ukraine presented the projects in Ukraine. The ties to the international network, among others GEN, GEN Europe, Gaia Education and ECOLISE were also presented. Ross Jackson played a central role, engaging in a conversation with Ditlev Nissen about his involvement in the ecovillage movement and his dreams for the future—a fascinating and inspiring conversation. Several ecovillages contributed with homegrown vegetables, and others provided groceries and cakes. Homemade dhal was made by volunteers from various ecovillages, and enjoyed by all the guests. Additionally, there were musical performances by various ecovillage residents, and a local band of young people concluded the evening with a beautiful concert. Speeches were given, including a generational speech by a mother and daughter from the Svanholm/Skovvirke ecovillage(s), emphasizing the importance of the ecovillage movement, permaculture, and the climate movement. Uffe Elbaek, a former Danish politician, also shared some words. The Minister of Culture in the Christiania Ecovillage delivered a beautiful speech, including the words:
”LOES! You have initiated so much for many of us here at Christiania and in all other free spaces and ecovillages in Denmark. You have guided and inspired us to think extra green and introduced us to many other ecovillages through your informative work, including your exciting magazine where we gain insights into each other’s ecovillages and lifestyles! An invaluable effort!” – Britta Lillesoee
In a weekend in November, another celebration was held—this time in conjunction with the culmination of a 12-week Ecovillage Design Education course at Avnoe Oasis Ecovillage, where students presented their projects. Avnoe Oasis is beautifully situated on the Avnoe peninsula, facing the water and surrounded by magnificent nature. Delicious food and homemade cakes were enjoyed, happy dance was danced, drum and rhythm workshops were held, and the following day featured workshops on topics such as Dragon Dreaming, wastewater and mind purification, stress, hemp cultivation, and how to use it to make clothing. A weekend where we got to know each other, networked, and had time for each other. Everyone gained a good insight into the educational activities taking place at Avnoe Oasis in collaboration with LOES, and the participants gained insight into a growing ecovillage and all the ambitions that come with it. What fantastic celebrations of our beautiful LOES. It was wonderful to meet with ecovillage residents from across the country, to exchange ideas, celebrate each other, and our collective achievements.
Article by Mette Solveig Aksglæde

Pictures from both events by Nils Vest Jørgen Skur and Mark