IT for the Transition: Ecovillage IT Toolbox

IT for the Transition: Ecovillage IT Toolbox

Introducing…The Ecovillage IT Toolbox! Ecovillages and information technology: two concepts that to the uninitiated might seem like an unnatural fit. But we believe that when used in service of community values, IT is essential in accelerating the transition to a regenerative world through infinite possibilities of improving collaboration, information sharing, facilitating meaningful connections across distances,…

GEN Europe launches web service for members

GEN Europe launches web service for members

Being a member of GEN Europe is first and foremost about connection: meeting and learning from other communities facing the same challenges, learning from their innovations and sharing in their success. Friendships are forged and projects and collaborations are developed across borders. But as an organisation we also want to give back to our network,…

Zooming in on our first online General Assembly

Zooming in on our first online General Assembly

As ecovillagers, we value in-person connection: the ability to sense the mood of a room when facilitating, to truly see one another – and of course, to hug your friends! So when Covid-19 forced the cancellation of our General Assembly, we were nervous: would our GA be just one more of the exhausting online meetings…