Bridgedale course: Ecovillages response to the troubled world

Bridgedale course: Ecovillages response to the troubled world

What can ecovillages offer to support youth in navigating through the global crisis?

This training invites recognition of the predicament we are facing as humanity, and helps to envision alternatives to the current socio-economic system through games, exercises, and stories. The training is aimed for youth-workers – people already working with other youth, or willing to start such work.

Launch and Thrive – Awakening the networks: Project update and Webinar!

Launch and Thrive – Awakening the networks: Project update and Webinar!

We are thrilled to announce that the strategic partnership ‘Launch and Thrive – Awakening the networks’ is successfully coming to an end! This partnership between GEN Europe, GEN Ukraine, BEN, RIVE, LØS and APTES bore many fruits and the time has come to celebrate the accomplishments and the launch of the final results. For that…

What’s New in GEN EU Membership?

What’s New in GEN EU Membership?

Dear community enthusiasts, fellow stewards of the Earth and guardians of community spirit! Are you yearning to be part of an international family built on love, trust, and solidarity?Does your community seek support to turn your regenerative vision into reality? GEN Europe warmly welcomes ecoprojects, ecovillages, networks, and individuals into our Europe-wide network and extends…