Regenerative Agriculture expert Richard Perkins to participate in the 2024 European Ecovillage Gathering

Regenerative Agriculture expert Richard Perkins to participate in the 2024 European Ecovillage Gathering

A recognised leader in the field of regenerative agriculture and the author of the widely acclaimed manual Regenerative Agriculture will join over 50 workshop leaders at the 27th edition of the annual festival of sustainable lifestyles.

GEN Book Club: Envisioning the post-collapse society

GEN Book Club: Envisioning the post-collapse society

The GEN Book Club: Envisioning the post-collapse Society, is happening July 23rd 2024, 4-5.30 pm CEST online! GEN International and GEN Europe are weaving in their efforts to bring you an open space for reflection, discussion and contemplation, an imaginative journey on how we can create our future together. What is the future of the…

ReGEN4All: Project results are here!

ReGEN4All: Project results are here!

As the project ReGEN4All came to its end, it was time to celebrate the achievements and share the abundance we co-created with our project partners. Have a glimpse into the project’s purpose, project results and created alliances! The purpose of the ReGEN4All project was to serve researchers, practitioners, and adult educators from ecovillages and academia…

Hello, my name is Nataša!

Nataša is a passionate and experienced event coordinator with a heart for caring about people, the planet and sustainable living. With ten years in event coordination, project management, and community building, she is thrilled to take on the role of Event Coordinator at GEN Europe alongside with Aurelie Neuman. Nataša’s journey began at the “Goulash…