Summer Iberian Ecovillage Network Gathering: Another world is not only possible but necessary

The summer Iberian Ecovillage Network Gathering seems like a distant memory as I write these lines on a rainy autumn evening in Germany. Yet, it was held just a month ago, during some sweltering summer days in the Spanish community of Arterra Bizimodu, located in the northern region of Navarra. My mind drifts back to those busy, vibrant warm summer days. It fills my heart with joy when I recall that over 300 people gathered on-site to celebrate, co-create, reflect and dream together for three days. This was the second year that a larger RIE Gathering was held since the COVID-19 times, and the first to be held again in northern Spain. I believe this event brings a message of hope, demonstrating the growing interest in the ecovillage lifestyle across the Iberian region.

The event attracted a diverse array of participants beyond RIE members. A multitude of participants gathered in Arterra. There were of course ecovillagers, but also ecovillage seekers, young people seeking something beyond the mainstream life, people wanting to create an ecovillage or to join one, representatives of diverse networks and activist movements, such as RIPESS (in Spain known as REAS), extinction rebellion, the basque cohousing network, among others.

As usual, we had many workshops organised by members of the RIE network. The topics were diverse, covering issues related to the five areas of sustainability: cultural, social, ecological, economic and whole systems design. Some workshops included non-violent communication, ageing in the community, transfeminism and intersectionality, economic models in communities, introduction to facilitation, biogas production, deep ecology and reconnection work, dances, and much more. Additionally, the RIE general assembly was held in conjunction with the Gathering, infusing new energy and intention into the network!

We opened the event with a videoconference featuring the renowned anthropologist and activist Yayo Herrero. Yayo brilliantly set the tone for the days to come by discussing the collapse of an outdated system and the birth and growth of inspiring alternatives. She emphasized that ecovillages represent a crucial actor in the times ahead, offering potential experimental solutions to the problems posed by the current ecosocial crisis. It is also important to note that Ecovillages are nourished by both local and global networks, where they are woven into, providing a myriad of resources: from local and solidarity economy circuits to conflict management, construction or food preservation tools.

As we often say in the ecovillage movement, “Another world is not only possible but necessary”. I believe the RIE summer Gathering has been a beacon where this message shone brightly. I imagine this idea now travelling from mouth to mouth, from pen to eyes, transforming and being shaped according to each experience. Let us continue creating another world together.

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