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“Future Roots Gathering” – A Glimpse into the Future of Ecovillages!
We are thrilled to share a sneak peek of the “Future Roots Gathering” – an inspiring event in the making to unfold in Damanhur, Italy, in October 2024. This unique event, a collaborative effort between NextGEN Europe (the youth European branch of the Global Ecovillage Network) and YTS (Yes To Sustainability), aims to bring together…
Green Phoenix in Damanhur
The Green Phoenix was initiated at Centre for Unity Schweibenalp and researches questions of the four quadrants of Ecology, Economy, Community and Consciousness/Spirituality. It is also often referred to as the meeting of the community of communities, and I personally take away that it is really a gathering to ground the depth and spiritual foundations of…
New project ECOPRISE
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Volunteer coordinator, part time work at Charlottendal, Järna, Sweden
This coming spring four participants between18- 30 years of age with do the European Solidarity Corp volunteering here at Charlottendal, Järna.Sweden.The place is a 35 ha farm with ca 15 persons living and some sheep and chickens.The main activity on the farm Is a Waldorf kindergarten (Lilla Bullerbyn) with 30 children. Our volunteers are participating…

General Assembly 2023: reconnecting & vitalizing the network
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Birth into Being – A personal invitation from Ulrike Schimmel
My first Birth into Being workshop was in 2013 – it was love at first sight. My journey with this method has been truly life changing. We know we are making choices every day, every moment, most of us are aware we can choose to repeat the same old story – or something that better…