Sharing the wisdom of Tamera’s stone circle

Tamera’s stone circle viewed from above
Tamera is one of the largest and oldest ecovillages in Europe. Founded in southern Portugal in 1995, there are currently 170 people living there, dedicating their lives to creating a seed for a new culture of peace. Tamera became famous for its radical research in community building based on trust, and developed the Forum tool to truth and transformation within community, now used by many other ecovillages and projects. They also pioneered and continue to model the concept of the water retention landscape, host a Solar Test Field, and run educational activities in all aspects of their work.
After deeper inquiries into the wisdom of pre-patriarchal peace cultures, Sabine Lichtenfels, Tamera’s co-founder, was inspired to build a modern stone circle as a communitarian work of art. Its 96 stones stand for 96 archetypes of a universal peace community of our times. It signifies the complementary relationship of community instead of exclusion, cooperation instead of fight.

Families enjoy Tamera’s stone circle
For many years it has been a dream to share the gifts and wisdom of Tamera’s stone circle in the world. Now, thanks to the vision, love and service of many helping hands, this dream is very close to being realized and Tamera is warmly inviting friends and supporters around the world to support the manifestation of the new Stone Circle Book and Card Deck.

The book and cards capture the eight realms of the stone circle and the corresponding cycle of life that it represents Each stone represents one of the 96 archetypal qualities of a true culture of peace. By providing the essence of the stones through in-depth texts as well as brief inspiration and empowerment statements, Tamera community offers inspiration to create alignment and peace in your inner and outer life.
The Kickstarter campaign will continue for 30 days (12.10-12.11) with the aim to collect at least 13,000 Euros, and hopefully much more.
When you contribute to this campaign you sign up to get the cards and book once it is printed – you can even order it as a gift in time for Chrismas/Hanukah/Solstice!
To get the card deck and book, and to support this project, visit the Kickstarter page here.
Listen to our latest podcast episode with Tamera’s co-founder Sabine Lichtenfels where we talk in depth about the Stone Circle cards, as well as the politics and spirituality of peacework and much more.