OPEN CALL: European Ecovillage Gathering Host 2026 & 2027

European Ecovillage Gathering 2024. Photo by Annabelle Moghadam
European Ecovillage Gathering 2024. Photo by Annabelle Moghadam

The European Ecovillage Gathering

The European Ecovillage Gathering is an annual event organised by GEN Europe that takes place in a different ecovillage in a different European country each year. 

With a rich programme of keynote speakers, workshops, networking spaces, music and dance, it is a platform to inspire and tell a different story, to connect and support people interested in regenerative living, to share knowledge and best practices, to help them join or start projects and ecovillages, and to celebrate the joy and beauty of living in a way that cares for all living beings. 

Whilst still being a gathering of the “ecovillage family”, i.e. all ecovillages in Europe (and representatives from other regions of the world), it is also becoming more and more an event that tries to reach out to a wider audience: people interested in living in or creating ecovillages, researchers and academics interested in the ecovillage movement and the many solutions ecovillages are experimenting with, policy makers looking for concrete & efficient ways to implement paper policies, activists and representatives of like-minded movements looking for knowledge cross-pollination and alliances, journalists and social media influencers wanting to platform these alternatives, etc. 

In 2023 and 2024, the Gathering was attended by 800 people, so the number of participants is also growing over the years.

What does it mean to be a host?

Being a host means hosting the European Ecovillage Gathering (2 half days + 4 full days), the General Assembly (3 full days) and the Staff & Council meeting (1 day). 

It means providing food and accommodation (ideally different options such as indoors, camping area, campervan area) and parking, as well as infrastructure such as toilets, showers, lots of workshop spaces (including one really big one where everyone can gather – these spaces can be big tents), dining areas, a big kitchen, equipment such as projectors and screens and sound systems.

It also means coordinating all the logistics around these infrastructures and having enough people to take care of them (mostly cooking and cleaning) – calling on their own community members or inviting volunteers to support them – as well as coordinating bookings for food & accommodation (these are made directly with the host, GEN Europe does not handle this). 

It also means working closely with GEN Europe’s 2 Event Managers (usually a contact person from the host) and attending coordination meetings before and during the Gathering. If the host so wishes, they are also warmly invited to join the programme circle and co-create the content: workshops, keynote speakers, musicians, etc. 

Finally, it means making an effort to promote the Gathering in their country and region, through their existing network and communication channels, but also through the press. 

A model contract (subject to change as we learn each year) can be found here for much more detailed information: Contract Template. We are open to discussing and negotiating some points in this contract if need be, and to try to find solutions together. 


After holding the Gathering in Northern Europe in 2022, 2023 and 2024 and in Eastern Europe in 2025, we hope to bring the Gathering back to Southern Europe in 2026 and/or 2027. However, we are open to applications from any European country, as we will also be looking for hosts for the following years 🙂 

The host should ideally be either an ecovillage or an ecoproject, as defined on this page: (membership criteria section, click on I represent an ecovillage or I represent an ecoproject to see the definition & criteria). 

Even more ideally, the host is a full or aspiring member of GEN Europe or planning to apply to become one as part of hosting the Gathering. 

For the rest, the requirements and conditions are detailed in the model contract. Basically, the host must be able and committed to fulfil its responsibilities.

What’s in it for you as a host?

It can be very inspiring for your ecovillage to host the Gathering and have so many inspiring people come to you! A great opportunity to learn and network a lot without going anywhere. 

Hosting the Gathering in your country can also be a great way to create/revive/strengthen ecovillages and ecoprojects networks in your country and even region, exchanging knowledge, contacts, project ideas and much more. 

On the financial side, all revenue from food and accommodation (as well as any bar or café you’d like to set up) will go directly to your ecovillage. GEN Europe doesn’t take a percentage (but keeps all revenue from tickets and memberships).

How to apply

Please fill in this form by March 31st, 2025 latest.

Selection Process

GEN Europe’s Event Managers will shortlist the most suitable candidates (if there are many applications) and they will be invited to present themselves at the General Assembly 2025 in Hungary. The members will then decide on the hosts for 2026 and 2027. 

We look forward to receiving your application! Thank you for your interest in hosting the European Ecovillage Gathering!

Aurélie & Nataša, GEN Europe’s Event Managers

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