Goodbye words from Dicte

Dear GEN Europe family,

I have decided to step out of my role of the Gathering Coordinator in order to give a bigger portion of my life energy and time into creating our ecovillage ‘Earthbound’ – a heart-project that has been on its way for more than 5 years now and it now being birthed into reality.

Being the Gathering coordinator and serving the network in this way has been my dream position and it is with a lot of depth and consideration that I’m stepping out of it. I love the team, I love the Gathering and I love the network. Looking back on the last 4 years with the Gathering has been such a journey. From the online covid years, to the challenging 2022 Gathering with the sweet Dadas in Ananda Gaorii to becoming the biggest Gathering ever in Nature Community last year, this role has brought so much joy, growth and emotional release practices. 

I feel confident passing on the Gathering torch to the amazing two new coordinators as we are very well prepared for August already and as I will stay as a support with them until and during the Gathering – but officially they are taking over this week, so please welcome them with heart and ease.

Thank you all so much for your trust in me throughout these years and for allowing me to experiment and give my fullest.

Onto the next ecovillage adventure and looking forward to seeing and hugging all of you at the Gathering in Ängsbacka this year and all the future years, Dicte

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