We’re hiring: Maternity cover – Projects

We’re hiring: Maternity cover – Projects

We are happy to announce that GEN Europe is looking for a temporary Projects Coordinator to join our small and friendly team to covering the 10-month maternity leave of one of our employees. We are seeking someone who has experience in project acquisition and project management, specifically in large scale projects funded through e.g. Horizon…


The Art of Networking: Creation of the WE and SEEN Networks

GEN Europe creates, runs and participates in a range of European-funded projects in order to further our goals as a network of regenerative communities. In this article, participants in the WESEEN project – designed to create and strengthen regional ecovillage networks – describe their experiences and learning from the Art of Network training held as…


Break free from Big Tech – Webinar

Tired of the big tech monopolies? Want to find ways to connect and collaborate without handing over data and control? Get ethically organised online! Join a talk on open source IT alternatives, with our IT manager Angel Matilla and organised by the Dutch ecovillage network Ecodorpen Netwerk on Thursday 25th November. More details at http://ecodorpennetwerk.nl/events/2021-11-25-break-away-from-big-tech/Donations:…