
The Art of Networking: Creation of the WE and SEEN Networks

GEN Europe creates, runs and participates in a range of European-funded projects in order to further our goals as a network of regenerative communities. In this article, participants in the WESEEN project – designed to create and strengthen regional ecovillage networks – describe their experiences and learning from the Art of Network training held as…


Break free from Big Tech – Webinar

Tired of the big tech monopolies? Want to find ways to connect and collaborate without handing over data and control? Get ethically organised online! Join a talk on open source IT alternatives, with our IT manager Angel Matilla and organised by the Dutch ecovillage network Ecodorpen Netwerk on Thursday 25th November. More details at http://ecodorpennetwerk.nl/events/2021-11-25-break-away-from-big-tech/Donations:…