Goodbye to Carolin

Dear GEN Europe family,

After much heartfelt consideration, I made the decision a couple of months ago to step out of my role as Membership Manager and hand it over to the wonderful and capable Franziska. She will start part-time in August and fully step into the role at the General Assembly.

Serving since May 2023 has been an incredible honour. I am delighted by the transformations we’ve achieved in the membership area: implementing a new membership scheme, streamlining and automating many administrative tasks, offering new benefits like our exclusive members area, enhancing our ecovillage map and website, launching our membership outreach campaign, and preparing exciting new materials and invitations for our individual members post-Gathering. Working with Julio as our first Membership ESC has significantly increased our capacity and possibilities in the last months. There’s so much more emerging behind the scenes that I’m thrilled Ziska will continue to bring to life.

I feel deeply grateful for your trust and support, especially during the extraordinary General Assembly last year. Together, we have energized and opened new doors for the network.

As our dynamic team continues to evolve, I believe Franziska will do an excellent job. While I’ve realized over the past few months that my life energy, focus and heart are calling me toward other passions, particularly music. While I hoped to combine this with my role, I now see that to truly develop and bring this gift back to our community, I need to dedicate myself fully and allow more spaciousness. My experience, primarily within Findhorn, highlighted for me also the need for broader community depth in other European communities before working internationally and it became clear that I want to deepen and ground some other aspects within me and in a more local context, with more direct contact on the ground versus the virtual space. This realization has led me to pursue a deeper study of music, with detailed plans and opportunities opening, including a potential move back to Germany to study elementary music pedagogy and eventually bring this back to our community.

I will ensure excellent General Assembly and Gathering preparation, though I may not attend the Gathering this year with Franziska stepping in from the General Assembly. I am incredibly grateful for all the wonderful, phenomenal human beings I’ve had the chance to meet and the so important work each of you is doing. I wish to stay connected and inspired in the years to come and to reemerge more actively in the movement once I am more grounded in my gift of weaving music while the vision that GEN holds will also be my guiding star within which I want to place my growing gifts.

With deep appreciation, love and respect,

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