Your online presence as an ecovillage or national ecovillage network says a lot about you – who you are, how to support you and get involved, and much more
What’s it about?
GEN Europe now offers a personalized Ecovillage Website setup service for our network members, so that you can continue focusing on your mission and share it effectively with the world at the same time.
Many ecovillages and ecovillage networks struggle with the amount of work to be done on multiple fronts, and there are never enough people to cover all of them. The result is more often than not that some have either outdated websites or don’t even have one at all.
The GEN IT Team has invested many years in creating and improving a WordPress theme. GEN Europe and GEN started collaborating two years ago in mainstreaming this theme so that it can be reused in many new websites and any new functionality that is developed can be shared by many from the beginning
As part of the services that our membership receives, all GEN Europe network members have access to the WordPress theme ‘Ecovillage’ which comes with this documentation including a step by step guide to set up a wordpress website.
After contacting some of our network members we were told that is difficult to find the time to create a website from zero, especially considering the learning curve. Because of that it can be a process that extends over months or years even though there is the desire/need to do it.
Who is it for?
Anyone who is a network member of GEN Europe can benefit from this service.
If you are not a network member but think that our service and vision is aligned with what you are looking for, we also encourage you to either become a member or get in touch with us.
How to get the website?
We are aware that ecovillages and national networks have different economical situations so in order to adapt to all needs, we offer this service on a recommended donation sliding scale:
(requires Hosting + Theme)
(requires Basic)
(requires Website Setup)
Here you can find a more detailed breakdown of our costs.
Our staging/sandbox website:
Click below to navigate to a website created with the theme where you can see and play around with all the features. If you want to test it, contact us.