Hello, my name is Maja Flajsig!

I will be filling Fran’s place as the Communications Manager in GEN Europe wholeheartedly, continuing to build upon her extraordinary efforts. I am honored to embark on this exciting journey in service of all communities!
Since I decided to dedicate my life to social and ecological regeneration, working for GEN Europe came to me as an invaluable opportunity to put my skills, talents, and passions to use that can serve many. Even though I have a strong background in collaboration with various environmental and climate NGOs as well as in academic and creative writing (mostly in the topics of Environmental Anthropology and Land Art), my objective in this life is to walk the talk.
Having that in mind, my hands are not only touching the computer keyboards but also various textures of stones while building, fruitful soil while planting, majestic trees while pruning, and healing leaves while foraging. All of these skills and wisdom were shared with me during my various travels across (eco)villages, and at the same time, the understanding of the diverse values of communal life grew inside of me. After volunteering and working in different communities, I felt an urge to be a part of creation, of bringing ecovillage culture in places I feel it is needed. Thus, I see the Communication Manager role as a vital part of supporting, sharing and expanding the ecovillage movement. I am confident my creative spark, my passion for writing and designing, my networking and coordination skills will serve the purpose of disseminating and rooting the values and ethics I share with GEN Europe.
My ideals go far beyond the computer screen, as I seek to live the ecovillage culture in my daily life, helping to cultivate one in places where it is not so prominent. The Balkans and the Mediterranean have always felt like home to me. I come from Croatia, yet I live in Greece, on the captivating island of Crete, where I am currently putting my efforts and capacities into a growing rural community, simultaneously supporting other eco-projects, communities, and ecovillages.
I aspire to interweave my experiences, skills, and talents into this network while caring for its threads with an abundance of love and respect.
In community,
Maja Flajsig
Feel free to contact me via e-mail: maja.flajsig@gen-europe.org