GEN Europe General Assembly 2024 in Ängsbacka

This August, GEN Europe held its annual General Assembly in Ängsbacka, Sweden, coinciding with the European Ecovillage Gathering. 87 delegates from 48 vibrant ecovillages, transnational & national networks, and ecoprojects gathered to reconnect, exchange ideas, and collaborate on shaping the future of our movement.

GEN Europe General Assembly 2024 in Ängsbacka

During the three-day event, members reflected on the past year’s progress, discussed key initiatives, and explored ways to strengthen our network. The past year in GEN Europe included many improvements and developments. Some highlights are the new membership scheme, aiming at better serving our GEN Europe Network, the launch of an updated website featuring a dynamic map of our members, and the initiation of three exciting new projects (ECOPRISE, COM4LGD, SUSTAIN-ABILITY).

Furthermore, we officially welcomed five new staff members to our lovely team: Maja Flajsig as the new communications manager, Annika Alex as the finance manager, Aurelie Neumann and Natasa Gvozdic to share the workload of gathering coordination and organizing other GEN Europe events, and Franziska Reißig as the new membership manager! Additionally, we elected two new council members, ensuring fresh perspectives for the year ahead. Check out the full new team on our website.

The Assembly also welcomed four new full members: NextGEN Europe, Ecovillage Pourgues (France), Ecovillage Argoumbat (France), and Busha Toloka (Ukraine). We are super excited to welcome you!

We look forward to an extraordinary General Assembly later this year and will continue to build on the connections and ideas shared at this assembly. Your dedication is what makes GEN Europe thrive!

Thank you for your support!

For GEN Europe staff,

Franziska Reißig

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