Ecovillage Youth Exchange Senegal-Germany: Call for Participants!
Connecting youth and communities across continents

Interested in this project? There’ll be a Zoom info call on March 11th at 18:00 CET. Register here.
Are you, or a young person you know, called by the project’s core themes of ecology and community, racial and social justice, and youth empowerment? Then perhaps this experience is for you!
EYE (Ecovillage Youth Exchange) Africa-Europe is a collaborative project between GEN Africa and GEN Europe. The project envisions an exchange for young adults involved in the ecovillage movements in Africa and Europe, where we explore steps towards healing and reconciliation between and within the two continents. We focus on youth empowerment through skill-building and exchange of knowledge around ecological living, education and project development, working towards a regenerative and community-oriented future.
The first EYE cycle involves Germany and Senegal as partner countries. A group of 5 young adults from Senegal and 5 young adults from Germany will have the chance to explore the question of how young adults in the ecovillage movement can empower and support each other in their activism for change across continents.
This includes a 3-week visit of the Senegalese participants to Germany in July / August 2022, and a return visit of the German participants to Senegal in November / December 2022 (dates not yet fixed). The whole group of ten will be hosted at ecovillages in Germany and Senegal during these visits. The programme also includes a series of online meetings before and after the visits. Specialised trainers / facilitators will accompany the group to dive deeper into specific topics, which may include:
- Participatory sessions to learn about tools for regenerative living and community building from both countries / continents
- Workshops and interactive learning sessions on racial and social (in)justice in history and the present
- Guided group process to create a conscious and healing dialogue on race and privilege
- Workshops on empowerment tools for participants’ own projects
- Sharing music, dance, food and other cultural gifts with each other
- Hands-on activism supporting the hosting ecovillage in their activities
- Collaborative working sessions to document and share the outcomes of the exchange (the next exchange project, an exhibition, a movie,..?)
BUT: We see the EYE project as a journey to unknown terrain.
The group process, programme and outcomes will be guided by the participants’ experiences, interests and personal gifts.
Does this resonate with you?
Are you ready for a journey towards healing, reconciliation and empowerment for a regenerative future?
Please let us know about your interest and motivation in this online form:
To participate, you should be between the ages of 18 and 30 and resident of either Germany or Senegal. More requirements can be found under the link above.
Deadline is 24th March 2022.
The EYE project is funded by the Teams up! Programme of Deutsch-Afrikanisches Jugendwerk (formerly weltwärts Begegnungen), the Stiftung Freie Gemeinschaftsbank in Switzerland and other donors.
The basic costs of transportation, training, food and accommodation will be covered by the project. However, not 100% of the funding is secured yet, so participants are encouraged to support the project’s fundraising efforts through collecting donations or helping to spread the fundraising campaigns.
Hello there !
I just saw this oppurtunity and i am really much interested.
My name is Eda i am 26 years old and a social worker, right now i am in Portugal and doing voluntary work in a body and movement community.
Therefore i spend most of my time exploring movement and spaces.I would love to combine my interests such as counciousness, activism, social justice and compassion
with youthwork and use tools such as dance and music. Since my parents are from kurdistan but of course not only because of that i do feel strongly drawn to justice and dignity and healing relations with each other. I believe that the youth needs more support and empowerment and access to education and self and communal support.
I hope to hear from you !
Have a nice day,
Eda Tola