Community Resourcing Circle Open Call!

Are you part of a new ecovillage or an upcoming ecovillage group? Be resourced by the European Ecovillage Gathering to bring your community-dream into reality!
Once again, the European Ecovillage Gathering will support the rise of new and upcoming ecovillages through a Community Resourcing Circle!
Through this facilitated journey, the participants of the Gathering get the opportunity to support new or upcoming communities with their skills, materials, knowledge, hands – or anything else that they feel called to offer!
How does it work?
Before the Gathering:
- After the application deadline 3-4 communities will be selected.
- The selected communities will attend 2-3 preparation meetings where they will learn more about the concept of the Resourcing Circle, become clearer on their community needs and prepare their pitch for the Gathering.
During the Gathering:
- The selected communities will each present their pitch in the Resourcing Circle.
- The communities will be resourced from the participants of the Gathering through the facilitated process of the Resourcing Circle.
- The communities will collect the offers from the participants and bring them home to their communities!
Who can apply?
New communities or upcoming community groups can apply if they:
- Are min. 4 people in the group
- Have a clearly formulated vision, mission and values (or the like)
- Min. 2 of the community members can be physically present at the Gathering to pitch the project.
Communities can apply whether they have land or not.
Does your community want to be resourced?
3-4 Communities will be selected for the Community Resourcing Circle at the Gathering. Your community can apply by sending an email titled ‘Community Resourcing Circle Application’ that answers the following questions to
In your application, please answer the following questions:
- Please give us a short description of your community (idea)
- Please send us you mission, vision and values statements (can be attached or linked to in the email)
- What are your needs? How can the participants at the Gathering resource (be creative and try to think outside of traditional financing – i.e. know-how, services, hands-on support, specific materials needed etc.)? How will the possibility to pitch at the Community Resourcing Circle bring your community to the ‘next level’?
- How will the community create a positive impact in the local region?
The selection will be based on the above questions as well as diversity in the projects and care for regional representation.