
Exploring Local Action for Rural Development at LEADER Congress 2024

The LEADER Congress, organized by ELARD, took place over 2 days in Poitiers, France. LEADER is a development program which has for 30 years been employing a method of engaging local actors in writing policies and strategies for rural development. Engagement happens primarily through around 2800 Local Action Groups (LAGs) which bridge public, private, and…

GA 2024 Report

Right before this year’s European Ecovillage Gathering, GEN Europe held its annual General Assembly in Ängsbacka, Sweden! 87 delegates from 48 vibrant ecovillages, transnational & national networks, and ecoprojects gathered to reconnect, network, share, collaborate, discuss, and celebrate. The event was held from the 17th to 19th of August 2024 and included voting members from…

Introduction to Ziska

Introduction to Ziska

Hey there! This is Ziska! Ziska (she/her) has lived the last years in different ecovillages and communities around Europe. Her background lies in Nature Conservation and Ecology, but the last years she has been dedicated to organising projects for different European NGOs. As a volunteer in GEN Europe, living in Arterra Bizimodu in 2022 she…

A Heartfelt Journey of Renewal: Findhorn’s New Story

A Heartfelt Journey of Renewal: Findhorn’s New Story

In Findhorn, a community deeply impacted by Brexit, COVID-19, and energy challenges, resilience shines through adversity. Devastated by the loss of their community center and sanctuary to fire, they faced further setbacks as operations ceased in November 2023, marking the winding down of the Findhorn Foundation. But from these ashes hope and determination rises and…