
Want to learn more about ecovillages? This is the place to start. We’ve gathered articles, books, podcasts, videos, tools and so much more to inspire, educate, and support your journey towards community living.

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Resources from GEN Europe projects

Project outputs related to sustainability and community


A selection of books about ecovillages, permaculture, community-building and more.


Watch educational webinars, get inspired by documentaries, and see ecovillages up close with our video library.

YouTube and Peertube

Videos about ecovillages selected from our YouTube and Peertube channel

Communities of Hope

A beautifully-shot documentary showcasing the ecovillage movement filmed at the 2019 European Ecovillage Gathering in Bagnaia, Italy

Living Library

Discover ecovillage wisdom through interviews with experts and request a consultation

Meet the Ecovillages

Explore ecovillages without leaving your home!


We’re building our video collection on Peertube, a free and open source alternative to Youtube. Check out our channel here!


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