What if we connected with our neighbours? What if we listened more deeply to each others’ needs? What if we had more community gardens? What if all our daily actions were guided by healing intentions? What if we re-learned what it means to live better together, with one another and the planet?
What If? Ecovillage Solutions for Extraordinary Times is a two-day online gathering that seeks to explore the answers to the questions that define our ‘new normal’.

We are living in extraordinary times. The future is uncertain. What comes next is up to us. What if we write a new story?
This two-day online gathering will harness the spirit of the ecovillage movement to catalyse regenerative solutions that we can implement in our own lives, wherever we are.
Join the Online European Ecovillage Gathering this 7-8 November to explore how ecovillages and intentional communities are awakening to opportunities through the Covid crisis and how together we can transform this moment to create a culture of regeneration and resilience for all.

Click here to view the full programme and timings
Arising from our hearts, creating with our hands, and solving with our heads, our programme will balance workshops and activities that serve our need to co-create transformative solutions. Our four core focus areas will respond to four vital themes in this moment over two full days, from 10:00 – 21:15 CET.
You can expect discussion, observation, intimacy, inspiration and heart. Our programme will bring panel discussions, interactive workshops, sharing and reflective exercises, connective dance and meditation, so together we can explore intentional reactions to the unfolding crisis. Through Meet the Ecovillages, you will have the opportunity to deepen your connection and knowledge of specific communities within the European ecovillage movement. Together, we will develop our interconnectedness as like-minded changemakers and communities.
What if… we can build the world our hearts so yearn for? Let us discover the possibilities, in community.
Sacred Activism Panel
Working the Edge: How Ecovillages are Pioneering Solutions in Extraordinary Times
< id="target-id67a5bc8e7b0d0" class="collapseomatic_content my_content">Roger Doudna
Community and sustainability expert
Robert has lived in Findhorn for over 45 years, and is Chair and Carbon Strategist for its Park Ecovillage Trust. He also built the first permanent home at Findhorn, and superintends the Heavenly Hot Tub Club there.
Read moreLucilla Borio
Founder, Torre Superiori Ecovillage
Ecovillage founder Lucilla is also a former president of GEN International, mother, artisan and trainer in ecovillage incubation.
Read moreHeike Pourian
Researcher, teacher and author
Heike is co-initiator of the sacred activism practice “Standing with the Earth” and the project “Sensing the Change”,
Read moreInclusion & Representation Panel
Challenges of Diversity and Inclusion – Voices from our Communities
< id="target-id67a5bc8e7cd79" class="collapseomatic_content my_content">Nonty Sebide
Speaker, shaman and advocate for climate and social justice
Nonty is a South African workshop leader and speaker with a goal to send a message of empowerment, service, indigenous wisdom, sustainable living and the importance of building community and ecovillages in modern society.
Read moreAida Shibli
Peace activist and founder, Global Campus Palestine
A leading figure in the non-violent resistance movement in Palestine, Aida is a co-worker of the community of Tamera in south Portugal and serves as a bridge between cultures.
Read moreMartin Winiecki
Leader, Institute for Global Peacework, Writer, Activist
Martin Winiecki was born in Germany in 1990 and has lived at Tamera since 2006. He’s led Tamera’s Institute for Global Peacework since 2013, networking and campaigning, organizing international events and writing for various online outlets. Martin is one of the initiators of the Defend the Sacred Alliance.
Read moreCommunity Incubation Panel
Resourcing the Transition: Regenerative Income Streams and Network Building
< id="target-id67a5bc8e7e371" class="collapseomatic_content my_content">Robert Hall
Ecovillage co-founder, ECOLISE Deputy Director
Active in GEN since 2009 including as Managing Director and President, Robert cofounded Suderbyn ecovillage and loves the combination of working hands-on with practical eco-technologies and the bigger picture issues of influencing governments and international organisations.
Read moreDicte Frost
Researcher and Ecovillage Co-Creator
Dicte has been researching and training in ecovillages since 2016 and recently coordinated the Sustainability and Resilience festival. She works in several GEN projects and is currently co-creating an ecovillage in Denmark.
Read moreLow-Impact Technology Panel
Hands in the Soil: Purpose, Empowerment and Bioregional Resilience
< id="target-id67a5bc8e7ef02" class="collapseomatic_content my_content">Sonita Mbah
Award-winning activist
Sonita is a facilitator/trainer with Better World Cameroon and has dedicated the last 6 years reconnecting young people to the land and carrying out “Youth For Peace” campaigns and cross-culture education programs through youth camps, and other community initiatives related to climate change adaptation.
Read moreAchim Ecker
Landscape designer, Forum trainer, co-founder of GEN
Among many other roles, Achim is chief landscape designer at ZEGG, creating fertile soil using Terra Preta technologies and instigated an edible landscape on glacial sand using intuition and Permaculture knowledge.
Read moreJohn Liu
Founder, Ecosystem Restoration Camps
ERC founder John Liu has devoted his life to understanding and communicating about the potential and responsibility to restore degraded landscapes on a planetary scale.
Read moreCommunity Incubation Workshops
How can we start new ecovillages and strengthen existing ones throughout Europe?
Taisa Mattos & Dr. Katy Fox
Ecovillage Transition in Action project
GEN Education Coordinator Taisa and social anthropologist Katy are passionate about education and regeneration, and bring their expertise to the Ecovillage Transition in Action Project
Read moreGenny Carraro
Facilitator, co-founder of the Italian Processwork School
Genny is former Managing Director of GEN Europe, lives in an ecovillage and is a highly experienced trainer in facilitation, sociocracy and deep democracy.
Read moreMauge Cañada
Ecovillage Founder and Expert Facilitator
Founding member of the Iberian Ecovillage Network and Arterra Bizimodu ecovillage, Mauge has a PhD in social psychology as well as a postgraduate degree in Mediation, has lived in community since 1980 and has been facilitating groups since 2008.
Read moreCLIPS Team
International team of expert community-building facilitators
The CLIPS team is made up of ecovillage founders and expert facilitators who work together with new and existing communities to help them thrive.
Read moreInclusion & Representation Workshops
How can we create more equitable and inclusive networks and communities?
Viva Bailón
Psychodramatist and Process Facilitator
Viva’s approach is based on embodied practices, learning circles, futures thinking and elements of emerging social technologies like U Theory. Her mission is to encourage individuals and communities to project visions of desirable futures that put life at the center.
Read moreJohn Paul Patton
Environmental educator, community founder, writer and musician
Founder of Enriched Earth community in Ireland, John-Paul has also spent 30+ years exploring comparative religion and mythology with a particular interest in reconstructing Indigenous Irish spirituality and culture.
Read moreNonty Sedibe
Speaker, shaman and advocate for climate and social justice
Nonty is a South African workshop leader and speaker with a goal to send a message of empowerment, service, indigenous wisdom, sustainable living and the importance of building community and ecovillages in modern society.
Read moreAnne-Chloé Destremau and Clinton Callahan
Possibility Management Trainers
Clinton and Chloe are trainers, edgeworkers and initatiors of the transformational gameworld of Possibility Management
Read moreSacred Activism Workshops
What actions can we take to realise our personal and collective potential and accelerate global transformation?
Anne Bretschneider, Aida Shibli
Peaceworkers and activists
Aida and Anne are members of Tamera community, and activists for peace, healing, and the sanctity of all life
Read moreNadine Jensen
Unschooler and community founder
Nadine’s challenging path through conventional education didn’t stop her from finding her passion, which led her to found Nature Community with her partner, where she unschools her three children.
Read moreHeike Pourian
Researcher, teacher and author
Heike is co-initiator of the sacred activism practice “Standing with the Earth” and the project “Sensing the Change”
Read moreVera Franco
Possibility Management Trainer
Vera began exploring alternatives to the mainstream in her 20s and is moved to awaken human potential and create an abundant, creative and thriving life with others and the world.
Read moreLow-Impact Technology Workshops
What tools can we access now that reduce our footprint and support regenerative culture change?
Ethan Hirsch-Tauber
Water protector and sustainability educator
Ethan has lived in communities around the world since 2009 and now works with a global network of water protectors who are restoring ecosystems for climate restoration by bringing water back to earth’s desertifying landscapes.
Read moreSonita Mbah
Award-winning activist
Sonita is a facilitator/trainer with Better World Cameroon and has dedicated the last 6 years reconnecting young people to the land and carrying out “Youth For Peace” campaigns and cross-culture education programs through youth camps, and other community initiatives related to climate change adaptation.
Read moreJohn D. Liu
Founder, Ecosystem Restoration Camps
ERC founder John Liu has devoted his life to understanding and communicating about the potential and responsibility to restore degraded landscapes on a planetary scale.
Read moreAnastasia Oprea
Multidisciplinary researcher
Anastasia Oprea is a Phd candidate in International Relations at the University of Coimbra in Portugal. She was involved in the Community Biogas project in Moldova in 2019, as a social scientist from GEN Europe. Since 2018 she collaborates with the Center for the Study of Modernity and Rural World.
Read moreMovement, Meditation and Healing
Sonja – Brahma Kumaris
Yoga and meditation teacher and advocate
Sonja Ohlsson is the director of Brahma Kumaris (BK) in Denmark and has practised raja yoga meditation since 1986. She is a meditation teacher with the Prison service in Copenhagen.
Read moreMarietta Schürholz
Curator, journalist, trainer
Marietta is a Possibility Management trainer for adult responsibility and in organizational development, and co-founder of the nonprofit “Workshop for Responsibility and Leadership”.
Read moreMeet the Ecovillages
Join our Meet the Ecovillage spaces on Saturday evening as we create a series of intimate spaces to hear from ecovillage communities who are geographically spread throughout the European continent. We will also have the opportunity to connect with the NextGEN youth network as we learn how they are activating in these extraordinary times and how you can get involved! Come participate, explore and discuss a diverse collection of approaches to intentional community life, and who knows, perhaps ignite inspiration for your next steps too!
Open Space
We are excited to bring a dedicated space for participant-led workshops. In addition to our main workshop programme, on Saturday night we offer this slot based on Open Space Technology as an invitation to co-creation and participation: to align with the fires and experiences in us now, and to ensure a forum to share these passions with each other. Attend if you are curious. Come if you are bursting to share and inspire. If you feel called to deeper participation and connection, this space is for you.

Register for the gathering here! We are offering these two full days of workshop for a minimum donation of €20, to ensure a balance of accessibility and economic sustainability. 10% of all donations will go to a fund to support workshop leaders and facilitators from underrepresented groups – you can read our full statement here.
Press and media: if you would like to request a press pass please contact fran@gen-europe.org