GEN Europe Projects Working Group

For many organisations, projects form the building blocks of the work they do – and GEN Europe is no different. Almost everybody at some point in their lives has ‘rubbed shoulders’ with a project, whether they know it or not. Perhaps they have experienced first-hand the buzz of doing actual project work, or that light-bulb moment when an idea springs to mind, or even just by leisurely clicking through the GEN Europe website; then you’ve had an encounter with a project.

The Projects WG of GEN Europe is made by a group of experienced project managers based in ecovillages and regenerative communities with th goal to build up GEN Europe’s capacity to identify project opportunities, apply for funding, allocate the necessary resources, coordinate and manage the workload, monitor and evaluate project impact. We want to come up with strategies that will make us hand-pick and go for the best ideas, and to decide on methods for their most efficient delivery and greatest impact, while matching them up with the needs of the network. If you are the creative type and you have that bright idea that’s yearning to come to life, then the Projects WG is the place for you. And if you are a people person and know how to motivate, organise, give structure, plan and execute, and troubleshoot, then let this be your light-bulb moment to join the Projects WG too.


  • To create a flourishing and nourishing project field in GEN Europe and among its members, where projects aid the vision and mission of the network and engage GEN Europe members in cross-member project collaboration.
  • To develop structures for projects in GEN Europe
  • To make the project field more accessible to members of GEN Europe
  • To raise quality and collaboration in the project field

Our proposition is to build up GEN Europe’s capacity, as an organisation and among its members, to identify project opportunities, apply for funding, allocate the necessary resources and coordinate and manage the workload and deliverables, and monitor and evaluate project impact. We would like that WG members feel empowered through continuous and supportive development, for both technical and interpersonal skills.

Possible Tasks:

  • Create and maintain a database of existing GEN Europe projects
  • Coordinate project-related training activities for the network (e.g. Erasmus+ applications)
  • Support the application and proposal writing process
  • Develop and implement a Capacity Building Program for members
  • Network with the aim of developing working relationships with Erasmus+ National Agencies and other agencies and potential consortium partners
  • Monitor and identify project and project funding opportunities
  • Help identify and engage members from our communities who would like to work on project execution, in a project pool of resourceful people
  • Participate in creating a knowledge repository and toolkit of methodologies, techniques and standards

Time commitment:

A monthly Zoom meeting lasting 1½ hour is minimum, but work can be expected between meetings, for specific project applications and other tasks. Currently, the meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of every month at 9am.

Requirements to join the group:

The WG is a peer forum for experienced project makers, who engage in strategic development of the project field in GEN Europe as an organisation and among its members. We invite anyone who has experience with project development, the ability to write applications and availability to administrate/facilitate/represent GEN Europe in different projects and consortiums. A curiosity and passion about projects and any of their underlying methodologies and associated tools:

  • Project management: Traditional, Agile, Dragon Dreaming
  • Brainstorming and Idea Development
  • Budgeting and Project Controlling
  • Troubleshooting and Problem-solving
  • Consensus-based decision-making