

Vision and Mission

Participants of the Union regardless of their confession believe that sustainable live on our planet depends on the realization of the following principles: - Environmental care, preservation and recovery of natural biodiversity as absolute priority of any human activity on Earth; - Principle of conscious minimalism coming up to replace the philosophy of unrestrained, constantly growing consumerism; - Aspiration to the personal development; - Peace as a universal principle concerning all sides of daily activity and interaction in the society.


The Union of Ecovillages and Ecological Initiatives has been existing informally since 2005, and was formalized in 2012. It unites those eco-villages and eco-initiatives (both living in communities and not) which would like to spread their ideas of sustainable living in wider society, as well as build up a larger and tighter community of ecovillages and intentional communities.The Union of Ecovillages and Ecological Initiatives supports organization and development of ecovillages in Russia, promotion of ideas and positive experience of ecovillages and eco-initiatives to society for future generations.

  • Country: Russian-Federation
  • Year of foundation: 2005
  • Legal entity: NGO
  • Governance method: Non-profit, non-governmental
  • Members: 15 communities and 7 individuals
  • Website:
  • Contact: genrussia (at)