EXPO Open Call!

“The most powerfuland evolved technologies
are those that do not destroythe very basis
on which we live”
– Vandana Shiva
The seventh edition of the GEN Expo – Ecovillage Sustainable Technology Exposition will take place during the 2024 European Ecovillage Gathering in Ängsbacka, Sweden, 20-25 August!
The Expo is an exhibition space where participants can showcase their technological solutions and share their knowledge and experience on technology and energy sustainability, thus showing how ecovillages contribute to reducing our carbon footprint and promoting sustainable, cooperative communities with simple technologies accessible to all.

We invite ecovillage members to take part in the GEN Expo by:
- Bringing your technologies to the Gathering, exhibiting them and offering demonstrations of their functioning at the exposition site;
- Bringing other material (scaled models, drawings, documents, pictures, and so on), especially when it is not possible to physically bring your technologies;
- Offering a presentation and/or demonstration of your tech solutions or projects

GEN Expo supports all technologies used in ecovillages or other environmentally friendly projects which are efficient, easy to replicate and open source.
If you wish to be part of the Expo, please complete the Expo 2024 Registration Form describing your proposal.
We look forward to a joyful, creative and inspiring European Ecovillage Gathering 2024 together, and we appreciate your willingness to share your experience, knowledge and enthusiasm with the Expo!
For further information please write to: francesco.godano3@gmail.com
In community,
The GEN Expo Team