Summer Iberian Ecovillage Network Gathering: Another world is not only possible but necessary

Summer Iberian Ecovillage Network Gathering: Another world is not only possible but necessary

The summer Iberian Ecovillage Network Gathering seems like a distant memory as I write these lines on a rainy autumn evening in Germany. Yet, it was held just a month ago, during some sweltering summer days in the Spanish community of Arterra Bizimodu, located in the northern region of Navarra. My mind drifts back to those busy, vibrant warm summer days.

Info sheet ESC GEN Europe 2022

Volunteering for Global Ecovillage Network Europe European Solidarity Corps (ESC)  PLEASE NOTE THIS POSITION IS NOW CLOSED Funded volunteering: Use your enthusiasm for ecovillages and skills and live in Arterra Bizimodu ecovillage, Spain, at the heart of the European Ecovillage Network! Start date: between early September 2022 and 1st of October 2022Duration: 6 to 8…

Volunteering for Sustainability

Volunteering for Sustainability

Ecovillagers and allies build capacity through an Erasmus+ training on the new European Solidarity Corps programme. Learning never stops in GEN Europe, with members of the network regularly and energetically designing and hosting trainings to upskill ecovillagers. This time around, “Volunteering for Sustainability” took place between the 16th and 20th of November 2019, at the…

REDES – Ecovillage Emergence in the Sahel

REDES – Ecovillage Emergence in the Sahel

GEN Ambassador Alfonso Flaquer reports from a trip to the ecovillages of Senegal GEN Ambassador and Elder Alfonso Flaquer has long been connected with the ecovillage movement throughout Africa. With the Iberian Ecovillage Network, RIE, he participated in a recent visit to various projects and shares his impressions here. I have just returned from Senegal…