Baltic Ecovillage Network

Baltic Ecovillage Network

Vision and Mission

Mission: BEN is a network of organizations which promotes environmental protection and restoration of ecological and social systems through collaboration, education, social methods, technical solutions, youth work, culture, intercultural understanding between people and environmental protection. Vision: to build a strong network of eco-communities in the Baltic region which will contribute to implement green transition to regenerative lifestyle and economy where the well-being of all parts of Nature is important and life within Planetary boundaries is possible.


The Baltic Ecovillage Network (BEN) is an association of national ecovillage networks of the Baltic Sea Region. As a regional network, BEN unites a broad diversity of cultures and languages. Its aim is to support the exchange of ideas and practices and to foster the cooperation of community-led initiatives. BEN is partner of the Launch&Thrive project [link]. Led by GEN Europe, Launch and Thrive has the objective to assist national networks throughout Europe to start and flourish.

  • Country: Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Ukraine, Poland, Germany, Belarus
  • Year of foundation: 2013
  • Legal entity: Association
  • Governance method: Sociocracy
  • Members: National Ecovillage networks of the Baltic region
  • Website:
  • Contact: info(at)