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GEN EU National Networks gathering 2023
Over 30 representatives from 15 national and regional networks met in ecovillage Torri Superiore to plan new common projects, and exchange information and inspiration. Represented networks were: Baltic Ecovillage Network (BEN), Western Europe Ecovillage Network (WEEN) Southeastern Europe Ecovillage Networks (SEEN), BelgECO, LOES, GEN Poland, ERO, GEN Lithuania, GEN Switzerland, GEN NL, Cooperative Oasis France, GEN Germany,…
Looking back at the National Networks Meeting in Pourgues, 18-21 Jan
Attendance & Trends: 10 National networks: Ukraine, Germany, Loes, RIE, RIVE, Swiss, Oasis, BelgEco, Sweden, Slovenia3 Transnational networks: BEN, SEEN, WE2 Meta networks: NextGEN, YTS Many young and new faces as well as some elder network weavers, that have been somehow distanced from the network lately, were sitting in the circle in the newly refurbished…
Let us change the world, helping one another to build one ecovillage after the other
We are a fledgling ecovillage in the Alps of NW Italy, Comunità rigenerative. Why the plural in our name? In the longer term, we dream of several interconnected communities, semi-autonomous in various mountain hamlets in this valley. We are in an emergency! The house we have rented so far in Drocala, the main house of…
ERASMUS+ mobility for youth workers
CALL FOR PARTNERS Deadline February 23, 2023 For becoming a partner, please sign up your organisation here until the 10th of February. For all those who have collaborated in trainings before, we are trying a new approach this time. With the pandemic, it hasn’t become easier to work with projects, things change a lot and…
Does your community want to host the European Ecovillage Gathering in 2024 or 2025? We are now open for host applications! Dear friends and members! Our beloved ecovillage Gathering travels to a new host community every year. We are now opening applications for communities interested in hosting the Gathering in 2024 and in 2025. We…
Deep Listening Call for GEN-Ukraine
As many of you may remember, Iryna Kazakova from GEN-Ukraine decided to leave the room during the last GA in Nature Community, when Olga from GEN-Russia – who was already online for a while (but just listening) – started to actively participate in the voting process. At that moment of the meeting there was no…