Volunteer in ecovillage Arterra Bizimodu in 2024

Volunteer in ecovillage Arterra Bizimodu in 2024

This eight-month long-term ESC project was designed for 6 enthusiastic young people age 18-30 who are interested in ecovillages and sustainable living, and who want to gain experience and participate in regenerative farming activities, renewable energies and building maintenance, as well as in community-building, self-development and work in intercultural teams. During the eight months you…

Winter Solstice Celebration & Extraordinary General Assembly 2023

Winter Solstice Celebration & Extraordinary General Assembly 2023

Thank you so much for all of you who were present for our Winter Solstice Celebration and Extraordinary General Assembly! 🙂 Next to voting on the new membership policies and the changes in the statutes, we also shared our moments of gratitude for GEN, tuned into the Solstice and shared our dreams and visions for…

Empowering Sustainability: YTS Gathering in La Borie Noble 

Empowering Sustainability: YTS Gathering in La Borie Noble 

Close to Montpellier, in France, in La Borie Noble, within the serene embrace of the Arch community, 21 passionate individuals from across Europe gathered for a six-day meeting under the banner of Yes to Sustainability (YTS). This meeting served as a pivotal moment for the YTS project, providing a platform for participants to connect, share…

Celebrating 30 years of the Danish Ecovillage Network, LOES 

Celebrating 30 years of the Danish Ecovillage Network, LOES 

The Danish Ecovillage Network, LOES, is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year and held two celebrations, one of which took place in an ecovillage in the capital city of Copenhagen, and the other in a growing ecovillage in the countryside. The celebration at the Christiania Ecovillage in Copenhagen was a day-long event, where everyone was…

New project ECOPRISE

The project ECOPRISE in which GEN Europe is a partner has been approved, yeahhh! It’s main objective is the development of a multi-disciplinary course on Ecopreneurship, i.e. future-oriented social entrepreneurship through ecovillage design, inspired by the 4 dimensions of sustainability, and recognised through micro-credentials and through a European certification. To learn more about the project you…